FIELD: oil and gas industry.
SUBSTANCE: device contains the main tube having the internal channel; and the filter section installed in the main pipe section, the filter section includes: outer jacket having the inner surface and the calibrated holes, extending through the outer jacket, the inner wall, having the outer surface, the inner surface and the windows, extending through the inner wall from the inner surface to the outer surface, the annular space, formed between the inner surface of the outer jacket and the outer surface of the inner wall, the filter media for the outer jacket calibrated holes; and the filter disc, installed in the inner wall window, in which the downhole fluid passes from outside of the main pipe into the internal channel through the calibrated holes, the filter media, annular space and filter disc. The outer surface includes one or more flow channels free from the filter media, and wherein the windows are axially offset from the calibrated holes and one or more flow channels extend from below the filter media to the window.
EFFECT: improvement of the filtration efficiency and reduction of the erosive effect of the fluid.
25 cl, 3 dwg