FIELD: electrical engineering.
SUBSTANCE: field of application: electrical equipment. Method of signaling and interlocking from reverse transformation at 10/0.4 kV transformer substation and from unauthorized supply of voltage to 0.4 kV outgoing lines prevents, due to disconnection of switching devices of low-voltage power transmission lines coming from transformer substation and input switching device at input of low voltage of transformer substation, as well as signaling and informing personnel of electric network organization on unauthorized voltage supply to low-voltage busbars of transformer substation and to low-voltage power line outgoing from transformer substation, development of situation, in which due to voltage supplied unauthorized into network from low side of transformer substation or into outgoing lines and by means of its transformation at transformer substation, supplied to high side of transformer substation and, accordingly, to power transmission line from high side, as well as due to unauthorized supply of voltage to low-voltage power transmission lines, people may be under stress.
EFFECT: higher safety of electric networks.
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