FIELD: magnetometry; taking measurement at stratosphere heights of 30-40 km on board balloon. SUBSTANCE: device has three containers with magnetometers of which first one is permanently mounted on balloon truss, third container is placed below first one at distance of 2-5 km, and second container is arranged between first and third ones; it also has deceleration parachute with flexible diaphragm in central hole of canopy, holder mounting pyrotechnical cutter, and static-line accumulator. In working position, second container is equally spaced from first and third containers; in launching position, second static-line accumulator inside shroud line of decelerating parachute is suspended from second container and one end of its static line is joined through central hole of canopy to second container and other one, to third container; outputs of magnetometers of third and second containers are connected to input of first double-entry subtracting unit; outputs of magnetometers of second and first containers are connected to inputs of second double-entry subtracting unit; outputs of first and second subtracting units are connected to inputs of third one; outputs of first, second, and third subtracting units function as outputs of device. EFFECT: improved design. 2 dwg