FIELD: medicine; otorhinolaryngology. SUBSTANCE: in order to correct disordered aerodynamic of patient's nose, new air passage is formed by means of plastic surgical operation using transplants that cross nasal passage aperture. Simultaneously, in order to enhanced viability of tissues forming new air passage, tissue grafts are taken from opposite sides of nasal passages (from nasal septum and side walls of nose), tissue grafts being of type "with blood supply providing pedicel". These grafts are laid one onto another by their exposed surface. As result, grafts inoculate well and, being adequately supplied with blood on both sides, they successfully resist to load produced by air flow. Latter becomes fully split, thereby restoring disordered aerodynamics of nose in desired direction. Proposed method was used with success in 80 patients who remain under observation for more than 10 years. EFFECT: method makes it possible to restore correct aerodynamics of nose disordered as result of congenital or acquired defects, to protect patients from cold-caused catarrhs and from development of chronic rhinitis and rhinosinusites, to considerably facilitate treatment of already existing diseases of respiratory tracts until complete recovery of patients.