FIELD: television engineering; computer games and simulators. SUBSTANCE: existing device is provided, in addition, with computer, at least three interfaces, peripheral storage unit, viewer position locating unit, counter-reflectors, and control unit; output of peripheral storage unit is connected to one of inputs of computer whose other inputs and outputs are connected to input and output of viewer position locating unit through first interface, respectively, to respective inputs of video unit through second and third interfaces, and to control unit input through third interface; Counter-reflectors are placed on viewer's head in same vertical line as his or her pupils; respective inputs and outputs of viewer position locating unit are optically coupled with counter-reflectors and control unit output is electrically connected to control output of optical shaper. Video unit has picture tube, brightness and chrominance control unit, horizontal drive control unit, horizontal sweep unit, and vertical sweep unit. Optical or audio locator is used as viewer position locating unit; optical shaper is made in the form of liquid-crystal shutter matrix with at least one travelling slot electrically connected to optical shaper control input. When more than one travelling slot is incorporated. Distance D between them in shutter matrix is to be found from expression D > tgΦ/lo, where Φ is maximum viewing angle of three-dimensional image; lo is distance between liquid-crystal matrix and picture tube. EFFECT: enlarged functional capabilities. 5 cl, 6 dwg