FIELD: protection of nature, forestry, may be used in reservations, game refuges, natural parks, dendrological gardens etc. SUBSTANCE: method involves selecting and studying selected collection of rare woody plants; differentiating collection of woody plants by state and development grades, cenotic state by Kraft classes and their analogues and by reproductive capacity gradings; measuring values characteristic of phytocenotic medium factor: parts of sector of free development of rare specimen crown, angle between vertical line and line extending from apex of adjacent competing plant to center of rare plant trunk base, ratios of vertical distance from top point of adjacent competing plant to horizontal plane extending through center of rare plant trunk base to height of rare plant; conducting correlative analysis of dependences and formulating multiple regression equations. On the basis of obtained data, collection of phytocenotic medium values is determined. When cenotic state value is below 1 and reproductive capacity factor exceeds 70-75% of maximum possible reproductive capacity value, collection of phytocenotic medium values, at which phytocenotic optimum value is provided, may be determined. EFFECT: increased efficiency and simplified method. 1 tbl