FIELD: design and investigation of tracking systems of aviation and space objects, determination of their accuracy characteristics (expectations , dispersions, correlation functions, errors of determination of components of range vector , range db, angle of azimuth Φ
and acceleration
of observed target). SUBSTANCE: method is aimed for provision of possibility of generation not only expectations, dispersions but correlation functions of errors of determination not only components of range vector
, Φ
and acceleration
of observed object of investigated tracking system as well as their generation in real time. Method of determination of accuracy characteristics is based on comparison of values Db, Φ
measured by investigated tracking system with standard ones Dэ, Φ
followed by application of operations of expectations, dispersions and correlation functions to generated errors. Device for realization of method includes high-precision gyro-inertial systems, computers, adders, transducers of angular speeds, communication channels and system couplings arranged in certain configuration. It makes it possible to generate accuracy characteristics mentioned above automatically in real time. EFFECT: improved efficiency of method and device. 10 cl, 4 dwg