FIELD: medicine; psychiatry; psychophysiology; diagnostics of psychic adaptation disturbances. SUBSTANCE: psychiatrist must first measure and record patient's irritation generation factor (designated in what follows simply as "factor") from patient's right arm using Dr.Tarakhanov's method (in Dr. Sokolov's modification). During measurements, patient keeps rest, while, simultaneously, multiplying mentally two-digit numbers. Next same measurements are conducted on patient invited to press and depress fingers on left hand. Next number of mono- and polyphase factors in rest condition is compared with that of factors recorded during application of load. If monophase coefficient Km= 3 and upwards (coefficient Km expresses ratio of number of monophase factors during application of load Nml to same parameter during quiet awakenness condition Nmda and if comparison coefficient Kcomp (this coefficient expresses ratio of Nml to number of polyphase reactions during emotional load Npl, psychiatrist draws conclusion that patient is in condition of emotional stress indicative of psychic disadaptation condition. If coefficient Kcomp is less than 1, condition is drawn that patient is under emotional stress, while his (her) psychic adaptation is immune. Values of coefficients Km in former case and those of coefficient Kp in latter case reflect emotional stress intensity level. EFFECT: method gives possibility to evaluated emotional stress level in persons with intact and disturbed psychic adaptation.