FIELD: medicine; professional psychology; tests for study of ability to concentrate attention, e.g. during professional selection of candidates for high- responsibility jobs. SUBSTANCE: plurality of electrodes are placed all over surface of percipient's body in order to continuously generate bioelectric signal which are subjected to continuous processing. In order to be able to isolate information-bearing signal during telepathic communication session between percipient and inductor, processing of bioelectric signals is carried out in active and passive phases before and after moment, at which inductor mentally suggests information to percipient with help of polytron functioning in operative selection mode, in which required signal is picked up from amongst signals sent by electrodes to signal- receiving plates of polytron. Following formula is used to make judgement on intensity of telepathic communication, in which W is telepathic signal perception level; M1 and M2 are average electric current values at polytron output during, respectively, active and passive phases of telepathic suggestion; σ1 and σ2 are standard current deviations in active and passive phases. EFFECT: higher efficiency. 4 dwg