FIELD: mechanical engineering; connection of constructional steel parts with aluminium or titanium alloy parts. SUBSTANCE: steel part is connected with gasket by friction welding. Joint,, thus formed, is subjected to thermal treatment carried out till the moment when hardness stops rising and than is connected with aluminium or titanium alloy part by friction welding. Nickel gasket is used in connection of steel part with aluminium alloy part. If part of steel is to be connected with titanium alloy part, austenitic steel gasket is used. After thermal treatment, layer of copper is applied by friction welding. Vanadium layer is applied to titanium alloy part. treated surfaces of copper and vanadium are connected by friction welding. This method is used for connecting turbine wheel with shaft or with shaft fastening part of turboblower. EFFECT: improved quality of connection. 4 cl, 2 dwg