FIELD: radio engineering. SUBSTANCE: transmitting part of each of N channels has m sub-channels each of which has serial circuit of band-pass filter, phase shifter, frequency converter, amplifier. Second input of frequency converter is connected to sub- carrier frequency oscillator. Output of amplifier of each sub-channel in each channel is connected to corresponding input of channel adder. Outputs of N channel adders are connected to corresponding inputs of group adder, which output is connected to second input of modulator which output is connected to communication line through group filter. Receiving part of device in each of N channels has m sub-channels each of which has serial circuit of band-pass filter, frequency converter, phase shifter and amplifier. Second input of frequency converter is connected to sub-carrier frequency oscillator. Output of amplifier in each of m sub-channels in each channel is connected to corresponding input of channel adder, which outputs are connected to input of corresponding message receiver. EFFECT: increased number of channels in given band. 1 dwg