FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves determining injured extremity capillary wall resistance. Antiseptic napkin is applied to wound surface after performing its primary surgical treatment. The injured extremity is placed into decompression chamber. Medical solution composed of antibacterial, spasmolytic preparations and preparations improving rheological properties of blood, is concurrently infused into forearm vein. 10 min later, negative pressure is created in the decompression chamber so that capillary wall resistance time is exceeded more than 20 times as much to carry out vacuum suction during 5-10 min. Pressure is brought to normal original state for 3-5 min and the treatment is repeated 6-7 times. Infusion being over, the extremity is withdrawn from the decompression chamber, napkins are removed and the wound surface is treated with antiseptic preparations. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times daily during 3-5 days long treatment course. EFFECT: accelerated treatment course.