FIELD: cleaning appliances. SUBSTANCE: vacuum cleaner has trash receiving chamber with filtering elements located in trash receiving chamber. Connected with trash receiving chamber are air inlet and outlet hoses. Used as source of rarefaction is system of delivering air into internal combustion engine. Trash receiving chamber is made as splittable and it is connected by hoses with air intake unit of internal combustion engine and with sockets in panels of motor vehicle body. Sockets are provided with covers. Suction hose is splittable. Socket in panel of motor vehicle body is used as place of joining and disconnection of suction hose. Trash receiving chamber is provided with bag made of filtering material. Air inlet and outlet hoses are provided with system of valves and/or stoppers which are remotely operated. Air suction hose is provided with set of cleaning tools. EFFECT: higher efficiency. 3 cl, 3 dwg