FIELD: moulding long reinforced concrete construction articles, for example beams for framework of motor-road bridges. SUBSTANCE: specific feature of method consists in placing and packing concrete mix from upper side through wall of lower streak of forms at simultaneous packing from outer side by means of vibrostamp; moulding is performed by one pass of vibrator and vibrostamp. Simultaneous action of vibrostamp and impact vibrator on concrete mix improves quality, efficiency and productivity of moulding process. After preparation of forms and reinforcement, forms are brought to working position and concrete mix is placed and packed by vibration. Standard vibrostamp resting against bearing frame is set in motion filling forms with discrete layers in height of article. Passage of concrete mix in height of article is ensured by means of vibrating strip in upper streak and in fin of, for example, beam; smoothing of surface of freshly moulded article is effected by means of false stamp. For realization of this method, use is made of standard impact vibrators secured on lateral sides of forms. Vibrators move in synchronism in advance of vibrostamp in line of packing located at angle of 30 to 60 deg relative to front edge of packing vibrating strip of vibrostamp; surface of forms of article is acted on in impact or vibration mode, thus ensuring placing and packing of concrete mix. EFFECT: improved quality of moulding of reinforced concrete articles; increased productivity of moulding process. 3 dwg