FIELD: medicine, hematology, clinical immunology. SUBSTANCE: method of light microscopy of blood smears ensures to detect relatively large cells (diameter is 17-21 mcm) exhibiting weakly asymmetric shape, polarization signs in direction from the nucleus surface located near with cytoplasm to the opposite cytoplasm site of cone-like shape and having round or oval nucleus located eccentrically and small nucleolus of irregular shape. Nucleus-cytoplamic ratio is ≥ 1. Cells have nuclei showing smoothed and without deep cavings in the nucleus surface, fine-structural nucleus chromatin shows uniform density without expressed pycnosis, cytoplasm shows weak basophilic structure and contains fine azurophilic granularity at small amount. All these cells satisfying the above indicated indices are referred to committed cell-precursors of epithelloid cells. Method ensures to identify early committed cell-precursors of epithelloid cells in animal and human blood smears under normal and pathology states. EFFECT: improved method of identification. 2 ex