FIELD: medicinal microbiology, pharmaceutical industry. SUBSTANCE: preparation is used for immunotherapy of patients with staphylococcus infection and for treatment of patients nonsensitive to antibiotics or patients with staphylococcus infection if antibiotics cause allergic responses. Method involves conversion of toxin to anaform by treatment with formaldehyde. Anatoxin is purified by treatment with dry sodium chloride, precipitation with trichloroacetic acid, separation, precipitate dissolution in 0.9% sodium chloride solution and treatment with ethyl alcohol. Precipitate is separated by centrifugation and dissolved in 0.9% sodium chloride solution up to content 12 EC in 1 ml at residual formaldehyde content 0.003%, not above. Proposed method provides preparing nonreactive staphylococcus anatoxin purified from inert substances and without allergic responses. EFFECT: improved method of preparing, improved quality and properties of anatoxin. 1 cl, 1 tbl, 2 ex