FIELD: medicine, particularly, gastroenterology. SUBSTANCE: method includes determination of morphologic characteristics of pylorus-modelling constrictor and place of anastomosis, its location, metric characteristics of structure units forming it, registration of sphincter lumen in various phases of evacuation; evaluation of regional blood flow of anastomosis place in colored and energy Doppler mapping; registration of degree of duodenalgastral reflux in Doppler scanning; evaluation of sphincter at normal postoperative course. With sphincter detected under lower edge of liver in the form of cylindrical heterogeneous structure with rounded proximal and distal edges in longitudinal scanning of outlet part of stomach stump without protruding beyond right-hand medioclavicular line with a diameter of external cross-section of constrictor equalling 20 ± 5 mm, length by log of 14 ± 2 mm, constrictor wall in seven layers with thickness of 8±2 mm, thickness of duplicate muscle layer of artificial sphincter of 5 ± 1 mm and its visualization in the form of hypoechogenic strip of closed lumen of constrictor canal of 0-2 mm and of opened lumen of 8 ± 1 mm, with preset blood flow in region of anastomosis and with absence of duodenogastral reflux, normal state of constrictor is stated. In detection of slighter rounding of distal edge of constrictor, its asymmetry with increased its metric characteristics including thickness of its wall with changed outer diameter of cross-section of constrictor, increased length by log, thickened muscular duplication of sphincter with changed its forming structures in the form of reduced echogenic properties of layers, their illegible boundaries, appearance of hydrophilic interlayer over constrictor contour, reduced constrictor lumen in its opening to value of 0-2 mm, with absence of marked registration of blood flow in region of anastomosis in Doppler mapping, fixed duodenogastral reflux, registered extraorgan complications in the form of pathologic flowing of fluid beyond contour of formed functional link, all these features are indicative of pathologic state of pylorus-modelling constrictor. EFFECT: accurate evaluation of state of pylorus-modelling constrictor in postoperative period. 5 cl, 2 ex