FIELD: radiolocation. SUBSTANCE: invention can be used for electric adjustment of antenna of airborne, for instance, aircraft, radar for interception and aiming in small-dimension premises. Gear for electric adjustment of antenna of airborne radar has adjustment testing range, airborne radar, antenna of airborne radar located in nose of aircraft, basic adjustment target with cross- hairs away from construction axis of aircraft by value L of base and installed in tail of aircraft perpendicular to this axis, collimator with radiator in its focus mounted in near Fresnel zone of antenna of airborne radar, target simulator which output is connected to input of radiator of collimator. Collimator is electrically coupled to antenna of airborne radar. Additional target with cross-hairs which plane is perpendicular to electrical axis of collimator and cross-hairs is distant from this axis by value L of base is rigidly coupled to collimator. First laser sight is coupled to basic adjustment target, is perpendicular to it and is directed towards additional target. Second laser sight is rigidly tied to additional target, is perpendicular to it and is directed towards basic adjustment target. Basic adjustment target is mirror-reflecting and collimator is so oriented that glare on additional target from beam of second laser sight reflected from basic adjustment target matches crosshairs of additional target and distance 1meas between center of cross-hairs and glare from direct beam of first laser sight on this target should satisfy condition where R is radius of mirror of collimator; r is radius of mirror of antenna of airborne radar, η is utilization factor of area of opening of collimator. In this case basic and additional adjustment targets are manufactured with radii
EFFECT: reduced dimensions of adjustment testing range and simplification of operation of electric adjustment of airborne radar with preservation of precision of adjustment results. 2 dwg