FIELD: instrumentation, specifically, converting devices of capacitive pickups of information collection. SUBSTANCE: in proposed converter positive and negative leads-out of direct voltage source are connected via third and fourth keys correspondingly to second lead of first key which first lead is linked to measurement two-terminal network incorporating induction coil and shunting resistor connected in series, measured capacitor being connected in parallel to shunting resistor. Integrator and comparator with hysteresis which opposite phase outputs are connected to controlling inputs of third and fourth keys are connected in series to measurement two-terminal network via second key. Successive commutation of first and second keys is provided by generator with opposite phase outputs. Time interval in which voltage across opposite phase outputs of comparator remains invariable corresponds to capacitance of measured capacitor. EFFECT: increased sensitivity of conversion of small capacitance thanks to accumulation by voltage integrator of conversion error and to its comparison with threshold value in comparator with hysteresis. 1 cl, 1 dwg