FIELD: liquid hydrogen storage without gas cushion under gage pressure and liquid extraction. SUBSTANCE: pressure within reservoir is recorded at preset intervals in beginning of each interval by mean mass temperature of liquid, measured pressure Pin is compared with saturated steam pressure Ps corresponding to mean mass temperature at end of this interval. After that in case of inequality of these values pressure equal to Ps is maintained within reservoir during this interval. Mentioned process is conducted until pressure within reservoir is brought to permissible level. Liquid is extracted at Pin≥Ps and hydrogen is compressed inside reservoir at Pin≤Ps. Device has liquid hydrogen reservoir, transducers for measuring mean mass temperature and pressure within reservoir, and desired pressure maintaining unit. Introduced in device are processor unit, two pulse number setting elements, two switches, high-pressure gas reservoir, reducer, and desired pressure maintaining unit. The latter is made in the form of bellows filled with liquid hydrogen and hermetically sealed within gas space of cylinder. EFFECT: enlarged storage time, reduced loss. 3 cl, 5 dwg