FIELD: study of materials. SUBSTANCE: procedure controlling mechanical characteristics of materials consists in delivering strike with indenter on tested material with velocity v0 and in measurement of duration of plasto-elastic deformation τd, of material which is used in evaluation of hardness of material. Highfrequency vibrations of indenter during plasto-elastic deformation of material are also recorded, then duration τd is divided into overlapping intervals with length 60•10-6 s which starts follow one another after 4•10-6 s. After this average value of modulus of high-frequency vibrations of indenter is found for τd and for each interval. Thereupon average value of modulus of high-frequency vibrations of indenter for τd is compared in sequence with average values of modulus of high-frequency vibrations of indenter for each interval beginning with interval corresponding to start of plastoelastic deformation of material and ending with interval for which average value of modulus of high-frequency vibrations of indenter becomes for the first time less than average value of modulus of high-frequency vibrations of indenter for τd. Upon which time moment Tp, corresponding to center of interval on which comparison terminated is established. After this relation of contact force of interaction of indenter and material to area of penetrated part of indenter for Tp is specified. This relation is used to evaluate ultimate strength of material. EFFECT: raised informativity of procedure controlling hardness thanks to possibility of test of ultimate strength of material. 6 dwg