FIELD: mechanics; cosmonautics.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to control of orientation and center-of-mass motion of space vehicle (SV). Method involves determination of the required SV orbit correction rate and maintenance of the specified SV orientation by means of powered gyros. During correction there determined is current vector of SV kinetic momentum and its variation is predicted. There chosen are groups of orientation engines for performing orbit correction and unloading of gyros till vector
gets into the specified range of its values SK⊂S, where S - range of available values
. At that, for each group Σ'(i) i-x of engines, which provides the required correction rate - besides engines for gyro unloading - there predicted are values of total vector
at the end of correction, which belong to S area. According to these values and target points to SK area there determined are mismatches of vector
and the possibility of eliminating them by control magnetic moments of SV current loops. If these mismatches can be eliminated, then the necessary loops are used, and among the groups Σ'(i) there chosen is the one that provides minimum working medium flow. Otherwise some parts of mismatches are eliminated by means of magnetic SV orientation system, and the other parts thereof - by means of orientation engines performing together with SV orbit correction the unloading of powered gyros.
EFFECT: reducing consumption of working medium of orientation engines.
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