FIELD: medicine, biotechnology, microbiology. SUBSTANCE: method involves the submerged periodic culturing the selected strain of mycelial fungi with stable trait of intense germination of conidia and spores in flasks at shaking 100 rev/min using shuttle-apparatus at 27 C and by the directed biosynthesis using supplements of yeast extract in the concentration 0.5% taken in the amount 1 ml to the basic Saburo's medium. Control is carried out by recording maximal yield of allergen- -active components, accumulation of biomass, protein nitrogen and cytomorphological changes of mycelium in dynamics of culturing fungi. Filtrate of cultural fluid prepared by the developed method for growing fungal allergens shows high specificity and standardization in repeated studies that proved by testing in patients with atopic diseases in mycological clinic MAPO and medicinal institution of St. -Peterburgh and Russia. Allergens from mycelial fungi are used for immune diagnosis of mycogenic sensitization and allergy. EFFECT: improved culturing method, valuable medicinal properties of allergen. 2 dwg, 1 tbl, 1 ex