FIELD: meat industry. SUBSTANCE: prophylactic cooked sausage product comprises trimmed beef, trimmed pork, milk, eggs or melange, salt, sodium nitrite, sand sugar or glucose, cracked black or white pepper, cracked fragrant pepper, ground nutmeg or cardamom, sweet water, soya protein and biologically active additive "Cygapan". Trimmed beef used has fatty tissue of about 10 wt% and trimmed pork has fatty tissue of about 60 wt%. Components are used in predetermined ratio. Such product is used as prophylactic food for grownup people living on territories suffered from radiation effects (for increasing resistance of human organism to ecologically unfavorable factors), as wells as for regulating of phosphoric-potassium metabolism and iodine deficiency. EFFECT: wider range and improved organoleptical and prophylactic properties of product. 3 tbl