FIELD: information protection in fiber-optic communication lines.
SUBSTANCE: optical data signal is entered at radiation power Wop = Wdt · 100.1α
L, where Wdt is minimal power of data signals at input of optical line ensuring desired data transfer quality; αL is mean attenuation in fiber-optic line of length L; on receiving end relative value of reference signal Kref is found when comparing check signal αch(t) with reference signal αref(t) from equation Kref = 1 - 1/Ktc • [Wdtp/Wdt • 10-0.1(α
L - α
) - Kout], where Wdtp is desired threshold power; Kout is radiation output constant; Ktc is radiation transfer constant; Zo is optical fiber equilibrium range; αZo is mean attenuation on optical line section of length Zo, and reference signal is maintained at •ref(t) ≥ αch(t)/Kref.
EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness of information protection against unauthorized access.
1 cl, 1 dwg