FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method involves building corneal double-stepped self-sealable tunnel incision of 3.2 mm in length in 12 o'clock position. Basal iridectomy and full-scale iridotomy to pupil edge is carried on through this incision. Built coloboma pedicles are fixed through additional paracenteses at 1.30 and 11.30 o'clock position using iris retractor. Cataract phacoemulsification is carried out. An additional paracentesis is carried out in 8 o'clock position. Curved needle is introduced into the anterior chamber through the paracentesis and congenital coloboma edges are caught with the needle. The needle exit is carried out through cornea on opposite segment. Thread is not cut off from the needle but pulled through leaving one end in the paracentesis. The other thread end is brought out from the anterior chamber via the same paracentesis making a loop. The loop is caught with forceps and twisted about the second forceps branches used for catching the free thread end left in the paracentesis. Thread ends are pulled to opposite sides making a knot. The like manipulation is carried out with the iris in the superior segment via 11.30 o'clock position paracentesis. To give rounded form to the pupil, arc-shaped iris excision is carried out along the formed pupil edge from nasal and temporal side.
EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness in improving vision acuity; reduced risk of traumatic complications.