FIELD: oil-field geology; optimization of prospecting and production well disposition on research fields with porous reservoirs.
SUBSTANCE: method includes detailed seismic prospecting, well boring with recovery of core, electric, radioactive, acoustic, and seismic logging, core investigation, and well tests; data obtained make it possible to find porous reservoirs, if any, their water permeability, oil productivity, level of water-oil contact, and location of oilfields. Data on boring and geophysical investigations are used to evaluate model reference time-spectral patterns of oil-producing deposits and their time-spectral parameters. Seismic prospecting data in well location show reference experimental time-spectral patterns of oil-producing deposits and their time-spectral parameters basing on time-spectral analysis of seismic prospecting data and quantitative estimates of its results. Water permeability and oil productivity of porous reservoirs obtained from seismic prospecting data in well location and from well boring test data, respectively, are correlated and relevant reference correlation curves are constructed. Time-spectral analysis is continuously made for all seismic profiles in target recording interval and quantitatively parameterized with respect to time and spectrum in frequency and time sweeps followed by scaling time-spectral parameters using reference correlation curves in terms of water permeability and oil productivity of porous reservoirs at any point of Croswell space on oilfields.
EFFECT: enhanced reliability and comprehension of data obtained.
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