FIELD: measurement technology.
SUBSTANCE: proposed method includes installation of two transducers on turbine casing; calculation of blade section path length between first and second transducers as function of blade section angular position in range of angles; construction of inverse dependence curve using calculation results obtained; measurement of time taken by blade sections to pass between first and second transducers in the course of turbine running; calculation of blade section path length between first and second transducers from known formula, and use of measurement results for determining angular positions of turbine blade sections. In the process range of angles is divided into two sub-ranges; blade section path length S1 is found for first sub-range of angles (αrng, αend] for blade interacting with first transducer as function of angular position of blade peripheral section α; inverse dependence curve α1 = f1(S1) is constructed using dependence obtained; path length S2 of blade peripheral section between first and second transducers as function of angular position of peripheral blade section α and its inverse relation α2 = f2(S2) are determined; α1 and α2 are found from dependencies α1 = f1(S1) and α2 = f2(S2), respectively, using calculated values of S1 and S2 and angular positions of blade sections are assumed to equal α1 provided α1 and/or α2 correspond to second sub-range of blade section angular positions (αrng, αend]; blade section angular positions are assumed to equal α2 provided α1 and/or α2 correspond to second sub-range of blade section angular position (αst, αrng].
EFFECT: enlarged angle measurement range, enhanced angle measurement accuracy, reduced quantity of transducers.
3 cl, 4 dwg