FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method involves carrying out information treatment in the indirect psychotherapy framework. A session-lesson begins with sociogenesis, motives, origin and development mechanisms of drug addiction being explained. The order of stage-by-stage disease symptom manifestations is explained to the smallest details. Using the explained data, the students are convinced in fatal danger of drug addiction in terms of formal logic. Next to it, semantic content of premises is represented as video film that is used for introducing drug information into subconscious level by means of audiovisual means. Suggestive treatment is periodically carried out. It is directed to prohibition of drug consumption. After the video film being ended, acupressure lessons restricted to three biologically active points of Yin-tang, Tou-wei, Feng-chi are taught to the students. Prohibition of drug consumption is suggested. The students are assured that the self-massage treatment like this would give them confidence of their strength in complex life situations.
EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness of prophylaxis.
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