FIELD: data processing.
SUBSTANCE: before beginning of decoding all possible non-repeating meanings of combinations of alphabet ui are recorded randomly into code spreadsheet with N lines by means of random numbers detector (RND). Number i of code line of code spreadsheet Tk is recorded in each line ui of address spreadsheet Ta. Meaning of combinations of alphabet ui is recorded in spreadsheet Tk, where N-size of alphabet coincident with number of lines of code and address spreadsheets Tk and Ta, ui is original combination being subject to coding. Moreover for filling any next i-line and line from code spreadsheet Tk (where i equals 1 to N) the next meaning of combination of alphabet from RND which is subsequently compared with each i-th meaning from recorded combinations of alphabet in code spreadsheet Tk. In case there is no coincidence with any recorded combinations of alphabet, the next meaning of combination of alphabet ui is recorded into i-th line of code spreadsheet Tk. When coding line ui of address spreadsheet Ta the address A(ui) of original combination is read out from code spreadsheet Tk. Value of coded combination vi of original combination ui at value of parameter of conversion of ξi equals to value of combination of alphabet being stored in line A(vi) of code spreadsheet Tk, which address is determined as A(vi)=A(ui)+ξi for module of N number. Value of coded combination vi is read out from line of code spreadsheet Tk with address A(vi). When decoding coded combination vi at value of conversion parameter of ξi the value of combination is defined, which combination is stored in address line A(ui) of spreadsheet Tk which address is determined as A(ui)=A(vi) - ξi for module N number. Value of ui combination is read out from line of code spreadsheet Tk having address A(ui).
EFFECT: increased speed of data processing.