FIELD: medicine, pulmonology, peptides, pharmacy.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicinal agents used for treatment of diseases of respiratory system. Invention proposes new tetrapeptide alanyl-glutamyl-aspartyl-leucine of the general formula: Ala-Glu-Asp-Leu eliciting biological activity and displaying in recovery of functions of respiratory organs. Invention proposes pharmacological agent comprising the effective dose of tetrapeptide alanyl-glutamyl-aspartyl-leucine of the general formula: Ala-Glu-Asp-Leu as an active peptide agent. Using new tetrapeptide as component of medicinal agent promotes to recovery of functions of respiratory organs. Invention can be used as agent recovering function of respiratory organs in treatment of different forms of pulmonary pathology.
EFFECT: valuable medicinal properties of peptide.
4 cl, 8 tbl, 1 dwg, 6 ex