FIELD: medicine, psychotherapy.
SUBSTANCE: one should analyze anamnesis, perform rational psychotherapy and curative psychotherapeutic impact in patient's active state. Moreover, one should diagnose individual disadaptive cognitive-behavioral style of patient's psychological reactions to negative factors, with the help of which the patient process these negative factors, and, also, accompanying mimics and pantomimics. At the first stage of curative psychotherapeutic impact one should develop adaptive patient's integrative reactions to negative factors being contrast against disadaptive and being ahead by time of appearance with the help of a card, in the left side of which there is a text containing information on detected disadaptive cognitive-behavioral style, and in its right-hand part - text that contains opposite information about adaptive cognitive-behavioral style. Moreover, left-hand part should be deleted, patient should repeat it impressively, in one's mind, by imaging negative images along with mimics and pantomimics of disgust, and right-hand part should be spoken expressively loudly by strengthening it with positive images and combining it with adequate pronounced mimics and pantomimics. After learning the text one should cut the left-hand part of the card ff and throw and keep the right-hand part. At the second stage one should neutralize disadaptive cognitive-behavioral style with physical exercises, manipulations and pharmacological preparations that lead to negative feelings. At the third stage it is necessary to prepare a patient to apply developed adaptive integrative reactions under conditions of modeling the contact with negative factors with the help of successively performed visualization and role trainings. Therapy course consists of 7-10 seances of 1-2 h duration.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of therapy.