FIELD: medicine; manual therapy.
SUBSTANCE: method can be used for treating sterility of childbearing age women. Method of manual therapy of women's reproductive function malfunctions, based upon restoration of position of vertebra along axis of spinal column due to mechanical influence made onto sacral, thorax and cervical of spinal column, has the actions listed lower. Doctor makes pressure motions from top part of sacral to down, which motion flows curve of sacral, pressing-away motion with palm within iliosacral joint in perpendicular to axis of spinal column, motion of hands by rolling main phalanges starting from second to fifth finger of L4-S1 level when fifth to second fingers of fists of doctor at both sides from barbate appendices from level being one segment higher than lower point of lumbar lordosis to T1-T2. Then hip is unbent till the position when ligaments are strained maximally and simultaneous pressed-away manually by means of hands acting on wing of huckle-bone. Then doctor makes rotating movements of his crossed palms directed onto base of adjacent spinous processes to move them in lumbar spine and thorax spine. Cervical spine is subject to manual stretching followed by sequent traction along arc, which repeats curvature of cervical lordosis. Head of patient is subject to turns one and the other sides till muscles of neck are stretched maximally. After muscles of neck get relaxed, the woman-patient's head is sharply and shortly shifted to her shoulder. Before the influence, which is directed onto shift in adjacent spinous processes of sacral and thorax spinals, the manual operations are made additionally while placing patient onto her side, to which side the spinous process is shifted of vertebrae L5 and lower and higher extremities are stretched and free hand is led away behind spine and relaxed; free end is bent in area of knee and the leg's feet indicates fixation at level of popliteal space of stretched leg; head is bent back. During passages working hand of doctor standing behind patient rests against area of top quadrant of buttock of patient's leg bent in knee. With the other hand the doctor seizes thorax of patient tightly from the front at area of forth-to sixth ribs. At outward breath, at maximal relaxation of patient's body's muscles, the doctor presses with his/her working arm against area of top outer quadrant of patient's buttocks and, while keeping patient motionlessly with his/her other arm, pushes knee of bent leg of patient along axis which passes through acetabulum-patella till hearing specific click. Manipulation in vertebra-impellent segment of C3-C4 is finished by putting soft orthopedic collar onto patient's neck for 2 to 13 weeks to provide complete blood supply of organs and systems of smell pelvis and to make hormone-producing organs functioning properly.
EFFECT: increased probability of getting pregnant.
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