FIELD: mining, particularly to create high dumps during open pit mineral mining.
SUBSTANCE: method involves forming preliminary dump layer near outermost deep pit outline with the use of cyclically acting means at optimal rock transportation shoulder; digging out steeply inclined semi-trench in pit side in overburden rock location zone and in direction of pit outline sections of the first, the second and the third excavation orders from depth corresponding to optimal vehicle operation height; creating embankment on surface by forming a number of transversal transport paths made as temporary dumps having heights increasing to preliminary dump mark so that embankment is at predetermined angle to preliminary dump; mounting crushing machines on main haulage level inside pit; installing in-line conveyance means in trench and in preliminary dump; covering thereof with light-weight snow-protection tent. Dumping operation is performed in parallel runs from stacking conveyor, wherein rock is received with inclined boom-mounted mechanism of plate feeding means arranged in tube-shaped structure supported by sliding supports so that the structure may rotate in place of structure connection with stacking conveyer. Boom length is selected from inclined dumped rock layer thickness to provide minimal dump settlement in unloading device installation place. Dump embankment forming for main conveyer of the second order is continued by preliminary dump forming within design dump outline by means of in-line conveyance means and by rock stacking on dump and by cyclic means. After that the second and the third dump layers are constructed. To prevent dump deformation rock layer stacked in winter is covered with snow-free buffer rock so that said layers have equal thicknesses. As central and deep pit zones are developed main conveyer is enlarged by installing new crushing equipment section on the second haulage level formed in permanent side. Conveyer path enlargement is continued with the use of steeply inclined and vertical conveyers to provide threshold distance of rock conveyance to crushing unit by collecting transport specified by optimal collecting transport operation.
EFFECT: increased dumping efficiency.
1 ex, 5 dwg