FIELD: medicine, forensic medicine.
SUBSTANCE: one should cut cerebral soft tissues after defrosting a cadaver from ear towards another ear, through parietal areas followed by cutting the cranium in area of the arch and removing the whole cranium or its fragments. At visual and stereomicroscopic investigation one should detect the difference in the length of fractures' ends at external and internal osseous plates from 2 mm and more; the shift of one edge of the fracture outwards at the bones of cranium's bottom, for the depth of 1 mm and more; the availability of additional little fissures being of about 1-3 mm length being at acute angle towards the bottom of fracture line at the bones of cranial arch; deformation of the fractures' edges to the traction. In case of the availability of all four signs it is possible to diagnose postmortem fractures of cranial bones. The innovation widens the quantity of means for distinguishing postmortem fractures against those occurring in intravitam period.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of detection.
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