FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: process involves measurement of instantaneous values of current and voltage. Arrays if current and voltage instantaneous values ,
are taken at the same instances of time tj=t1,t2, ..., tN, with sampling increment
, where T is current/voltage signal period, N is number of measurements in T period. Then, the arrays are saved as running, voltage difference ΔU12(tj) is calculated either as difference between last and first point voltage by serial connection or as difference between first and last point voltage by transverse connection. Next, digital calculations of voltage difference are saved as running, active power loss due to resistive impedance of linear bank of capacitors is defined. Simultaneously, reactive power due to reactance of linear bank of capacitors and effective current are defined. Further, angle between voltage and current of linear bank of capacitors and values of active and reactive current components are defined. With the help of these values resistive impedance and reactance of linear bank of capacitors are calculated.
EFFECT: simpler construction; higher accuracy and descriptiveness.
3 dwg, 3 tbl