FIELD: technological processes; metallurgy.
SUBSTANCE: equipment comprises transformable rolling mill that contains at least two support and two working rollers and facilities for application of rolling force for adjustment of interroller gaps. Mill may have the first configuration with at least four rollers suitable for the first range of rolled products and the second one with at least six rollers suitable for the second range of rolled products, accordingly, with preservation of the same support rollers and facilities for application of rolling force in both configurations. Mill has facilities for bending of rollers installed on support parts arranged as a whole with mill frames, bending facilities and support parts are one and the same in both configurations of mill and remain in their place, bending facilities interact with either support flanges of working roller pads in the first configuration, or with support flanges of intermediate roller pads in the second configuration accordingly, support flanges are installed at the same level relative to rolling plane on its every side. Range of rolled products is expanded due to the fact that mill configuration is selected in accordance with data of product subject to rolling.
EFFECT: expansion of range of rolled-products produced in equipment for cold rolling of metal strip.
28 cl, 11 dwg