FIELD: machine building.
SUBSTANCE: proposed method comprises defibration of ground cellulose material at pretreatment, mechanical refining of lignocellulose material divided in fibers at primary refining and withdrawing lignocellulose material refined and divided in fibers from the primary refining stage. Biological agent is added to lignocellulose material at defibration stage. Chemical agent is added at mechanical refining stage. Proposed method is implemented at mechanical pulping unit. Said unit comprises pretreatment and defibration device, primary refiner, source of, at least, one of biological and chemical agents, pipeline communicating said source with, at least, one of the devices for defibration and primary refiner.
EFFECT: simplified refinement, possibility to utilise particle of off-standard wood and residues of log-processing.
16 cl, 4 tbl, 7 dwg