FIELD: mining.
SUBSTANCE: invention describes a distributed system of drilling simulation modelling, which includes choke manifold (101), high-pressure manifold (102), control panel (103) of blowout preventers, control panel (104) of flow choke, remote control panel (105), control panel (106) of a drill operator, control panel (107) of an instructor and graphical projection device (108). Drill operator control panel, remote control panel, control panel of blowout preventers, control panel of flow choke, choke manifold and high-pressure manifold are connected by means of PPI protocol (interface of processor/peripheral devices); the instructor's control panel is connected to PPI protocol by means of PPI interface. Communication programme and the main control programme are made on the main control computer, and graphical processing programme is made on a graphical computer.
EFFECT: high degree of drilling simulation with an upper drive; shorter training period.
8 cl, 61 dwg