FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: produced are two complex images I1 and I2 with different echo times wherein signals from fat and water are in phase and in counter phase, respectively. Phase 2φ of complex vector
for every pixel of image matrix is calculated. Constructed is the matrix of developed phase 2φ and in the range of main magnitudes -180°…180° and defined is the sign of complex vector Ie-iφu in matrix every pixel. Imaging for water is performed as the half-sum of absolute magnitude of image in phase and counter phase multiplied by sign Ie-iφu, imaging of fat is made as half-difference of absolute magnitude of images of fat in phase and image in counter phase multiplied by the sign Ie-iφu. Note here that estimated are averaged gradients of changes in phases of fat and water images by the formulae: GF=(|I1|-|I2|)2/NF at Ie-iφu<0 GW=(|I1|-|I2|)2/NW at Ie-iφu<0. Magnitudes GF and GW are compared. In case GF<GW, pixels of fat and water images are changed in places.
EFFECT: higher correctness of classification.
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