FIELD: radio engineering, communication.
SUBSTANCE: apparatus of investigating stray electromagnetic radiation from equipment can be used to investigate stray electromagnetic radiation when determining information security of equipment, information support facilities while solving information security tasks as a result of stray electromagnetic radiation and stray pickup. The apparatus measures the electric field strength E of radiation, wherein the maximum modulus of components of the real part of a two-dimensional angular spectrum is selected, from which the strength of the electromagnetic field is determined. To achieve the technical result, the measuring system is supplemented with measuring antennae in horizontal and vertical polarisation in a wide frequency range, and the magnetic component of stray electromagnetic radiation is also measured. Field parameters are measured using a dielectric turn table which is controlled by a remote control panel, and the system of installed measuring antennae. The measuring antennae are connected to a controlled antenna switch, whose output is connected to the input of measuring means. Investigation is carried out in automatic mode, taking into account all calibration factors of the measuring antennae.
EFFECT: enabling measurement of the strength of the electric E and magnetic H components of stray electromagnetic radiation during investigation thereof, with determination of the frequency F and E levels thereof in a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 12,5 GHz with horizontal and vertical polarisation of the measuring antennae, the frequency F and H levels in the frequency range from 9 kHz to 30 MHz, wherein the maximum and minimum values of the electric E and magnetic H components of the stray electromagnetic radiation are determined.
2 cl, 1 dwg, 1 tbl