FIELD: radio engineering, communication.
SUBSTANCE: system which implements the method of simulation of processes of two-level control comprises the model of the following components: control points, communication lines, database storage devices, data retrieval and analysis units, data definition extension units, identification units, classification units, prioritization units, efficiency assessment units, units of formation of list of hardware (HW) by efficiency, units of distribution of facilities among HW, HW targeting formation units, control panels, display units, command reception and control signal address transmission devices and HW control units.
EFFECT: simulation of execution at the second level control point of the functions of collection, processing, analysis and definition extension of data on effected facilities, an assessment of possibilities of own HW group and making the decision on effecting execution, and at the first level control point - definition extension of data on effecting facilities and assessment of efficiency of execution of HW effecting on all effected facilities.
5 cl, 2 dwg