FIELD: machine building.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to machine building and can be used in tooth gears lubricated by plastic lubricants. Gear wheel comprises a body, a toothed rim with teeth and a pair of flat ring pads fixed on end faces of the wheel. Inner diameters of the pads are less than the diameter of the circle of the toothed rim bases, outer diameters of the pads are equal to the diameter of the circle of the toothed rim vertices. Between the pads and the wheel end faces there are flat gaskets. Their inner profiles are made as circles with diameters equal to the inner diameters of the pads, and their outer profiles are identical to the profile of the toothed rim, width of the teeth ends of which along the whole height of the teeth is reduced equidistantly to side surfaces of the teeth and aligned with it in the plan. Pads, gaskets and end faces of the wheel, to which the gaskets adjoin, are attached to each other without mutual gaps.
EFFECT: provided is higher quality of the gear wheel lubrication.
1 cl, 3 dwg
Title | Year | Author | Number |
GEAR WHEEL | 2015 |
RU2600357C1 |
GEAR WHEEL | 2015 |
RU2600392C1 |
GEAR WHEEL | 2015 |
RU2600389C1 |
GEAR WHEEL | 2015 |
RU2600391C1 |
GEAR WHEEL | 2015 |
RU2595063C1 |
GEAR WHEEL | 2015 |
RU2600957C1 |
GEAR WHEEL | 2015 |
RU2600397C1 |
GEAR WHEEL | 2015 |
RU2600370C1 |
RU2609529C1 |
GEAR WHEEL | 2015 |
RU2600390C1 |