FIELD: electricity.
SUBSTANCE: device includes three functional blocks, the control pulse generating block, that forms the cyclic sequence of pulses with the period T, controlling the open state of the controlled keys. The control pulses open the controlled keys for the time period T1, which are located in the switching matrix (switchboard). The switching matrix contains the set of m×n controlled keys, two sets of input poles and one set of output poles. Where m is the number of generator phases, n is the number of time intervals, into which the sinusoidal function period, T=n×TI is divided. With the help of the switching matrix, the connection of constant EMF sources E0…E2k to the corresponding poles of the generator phases are provided at corresponding time intervals. The power supply block allows to obtain the set of direct voltage sources with the given values of Ep, p=0…2k. The power supply block is connected to the switching matrix. In this case, two versions of the power supply block are offered. In the first version, the device is powered by the battery, and in the second version, the polyphase generator power is supplied from the alternating current network. The transformer circuit is used to obtain the set of sources with constant voltage E1…E2k. The secondary transformer coils, the number of which is equaly to k, are connected to the rectification and filtration circuits. The output voltages from the rectification and filtration circuits are supplied to the second inputs of the switching matrix.
EFFECT: conversion of the constant or single-phase AC voltage of the industrial frequency into the polyphase system with the specified number of phases and the specified frequency.
5 dwg, 6 tbl