FIELD: electricity.
SUBSTANCE: device for changing the parameters of the resonant circuit is made in the form of two natural solitary capacitances of conductive material installed above the Tesla step-up and step-down transformer and is connected to the free terminal of the high-voltage winding to form a resonant circuit. Also, the specified device can be made with n+2 isolated tanks made of a conductive material, one of which is fitted over a step-up transformer Tesla, and n+1 isolated tanks are installed above the n+1 step-down transformer Tesla, each isolated tank is connected with the free output high voltage winding with the formation of the resonant circuit, all the 2(n+2) resonant circuits have the same resonant frequency. Also in one of the versions, strengthening the electrical oscillations is provided by parametric changes in the capacitance of the resonant circuit of the high voltage winding of the step-down transformer Tesla, transferring the amplified oscillations of the current and voltage in the resonant circuit low voltage winding of the step-down transformer Tesla with a frequency f3=f2=f1=f0, rectifying current and voltage and converting electric energy in frequency and voltage in the inverter and transferring to the load and partially via the feedback loop through the power supply to the input power source. Strengthening the electric oscillations can be achieved by parametric changes in the capacitance of n+1 resonant circuits of the high-voltage windings of the n+1 step-down transformer Tesla, transferring the amplified oscillations of the current and voltage in n+1 resonant circuit low voltage winding of the n+1 step-down transformer Tesla with a resonant frequency that is the same for all 2(n+2) resonant circuits, rectifying current and voltage in n+1 rectifier.
EFFECT: increasing the amplification factor and decreasing the dependence of the device parameters from the amount of load.
12 cl, 4 dwg