FIELD: mining.
SUBSTANCE: method of initiating the cavitation-hydrodynamic microdisintegration of the mineral component of the slurry includes the high-speed jet feeding into the hydrodynamic generator, the processing of the slurry under conditions of active hydrodynamic influences by means of the stationary elements placed inside the casing and subsequently installed stationary elements, including fixed on the axially installed hydrodynamic generator in the grooves of the crosspiece vertical plate-like cavitation elements, providing deep dezin of the mineral component of the slurry to the microlevel by converting the kinetic energy of the slurry flow into the energy of the acoustic oscillations in the hydrodynamic generator. To strengthen the fields of primary hydrodynamic disintegration, a hydrodynamic distributor-turbulizer of the flow is installed at the exit from the diffuser in the form of a polyhedral partially perforated surface in the base of which a zone of turbulence is formed with turbulators in the form of stiffeners and flat walls made with respect to the base at angles from 20 to 30° depending on the ratio of T: M in the slurry, the predicted maximum size of the solid elements in the slurry at the inlet to the hydrodynamic generator, and q jet phenomenon on the substrate. Primary destruction of solid elements, turbulization of the slurry through unperforated flat walls of the hydrodynamic distributor-flow turbulizer and stiffeners is carried out in the turbulence zone. The subsequent differentiated distribution of the elements of the solid slurry to enhance the cavitation is carried out through differentiated in size, with increasing from the axis to the edge, the slits of the perforated flat walls to the vertical plate-like cavitation elements made in the form of vertical dividers with a shift of the lower edges in the vertical direction from the bottom up in the direction from the axis to the inner wall of the housing and installed under the slots, parallel to the slits of the perforated flat walls of the hydrodynamic distribution of Tell-flow baffle with a decreasing gap between them in the direction from the inner wall of the casing to the axis according to the ratio S: L of the slurry and projected in the maximum size of the solid components in the slurry at the outlet of the hydrodynamic flow distributor-turbulizer. Additional jet separation with increasing cavitation-acoustic impact on the mineral component of the slurry to obtain a given average value of the bulk density of the hydrodynamic effect on the microparticles is carried out at the outlet by accumulating the flow in the confuser zone with cavitation levers installed spirally.
EFFECT: increase the efficiency of the micro-disintegration process.
5 dwg