FIELD: power engineering.
SUBSTANCE: electric station consists of a working body, which can be placed on the floor of a building, on a footpath, in places where mass of bodies or mechanisms pass. Working body includes an air pump. Air pump consists of a lower cylinder with a bottom fixed to the floor in a stationary position. From above, outside on the bottom cylinder with the bottom the top cylinder with the bottom is installed. Between the inner surfaces of the lower and upper bottoms of the cylinders there are springs that hold the working platform in the upper initial position. On the lower cylinder with the bottom, on the outer side of the walls, around the perimeter, a seal is installed. Air is introduced into the air chamber from the atmosphere through suction valves, placed in the wall of the upper cylinder with the bottom, which are closed and opened by pressure or vacuum in the air chamber. Exit of the working fluid from the air chamber is provided through an opening located in the wall of the lower cylinder with the bottom and connected by an air duct to the slide valve and to the air reservoir. From the air reservoir through the pipeline, the working fluid passes through the jet to the air motor of the electric generator. From above on the top cylinder with the bottom, on the outer side the working platform is fixed. Working bodies are installed in the places of movement of the mass of bodies or mechanisms in any quantity and in the required order. Around the working bodies floorings are placed, at a level below the upper position of the working platform with the ability to enter the mass of bodies and mechanisms on the working platforms of the working bodies from either side. During the work process, the working platform falls to the level H from the level of the flooring, which forms a step of size H, below the level of the flooring. To reduce the height of the lower step by half, the working platform is set to its original position above the level of the flooring to the height of , then the working platform will drop to the level of
from the level of the flooring.
EFFECT: claimed technical effect is achieved by an electric station operating from the potential energy of moving masses of bodies and mechanisms along a working body, which converts kinetic energy into electrical energy.
1 cl, 4 dwg