FIELD: electrical engineering.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to methods of locating damages in 6–35 kV electric networks with isolated or compensated neutral. Essence: relay protection device is installed with possibility of recording phase currents and voltages of each connection of distribution device, as well as with possibility of fixation of single-phase short circuits to ground in each connection of distribution device, determination of location and calculation of distance to place of single-phase ground fault. Ballast resistance is connected to reserve cell of distribution device bus section, in which there is a ground fault. High-voltage breaker of the backup cell is switched on, providing short-circuit current flow in the undamaged phase through the ballast resistance of the short-circuited value and time. Mutual reactive resistances of the damaged connection are taken into account when calculating the distance to single-phase ground fault according to the expression l1 = | Im (U1) ∙ Re (I1) - Im (I1) ∙ Re (U1) | / {[Re2 (I1) + Im2(I1)] ∙ | xl + xm∙ (I2 + I3) /I1|}, where Re (I1) and Im (I1) Is real and imaginary values of fixed current I1 ground fault of the damaged phase of the line; Re (U1) and Im (U1) Is the real and imaginary values of the detected voltage of the damaged phase of the line; I2 and I3 - fixed currents of undamaged connection phases with single-phase ground fault; xm is specific resistance of mutual induction of phases of damaged connection; xl is proper specific reactive resistance of the damaged phase.
EFFECT: technical result is fast and accurate determination of distance to single-phase ground fault location.
1 cl, 1 dwg