FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to the field of medicine, namely ophthalmology. In the first variant, two lengths of thread 5-7 cm long are used to fix the ILD with five support elements, the first segment of the thread is passed through two adjacent support elements of the ILD, the second segment of the thread is passed through two other adjacent support elements so that the free ends of the thread are on the front surface of the ILD. The fifth support element is left free. The ILD is implanted. The ends of the threads are left outside the incision. Next, the end of one thread is inserted into the anterior chamber, in the projection of the ciliary furrow, opposite the haptic element corresponding to the filled thread, a needle is injected in the direction of the anterior chamber. Then the end of the thread is inserted into the lumen of this needle and the thread is brought out with its help. Corneal paracentesis is performed in the same meridian. The thread located on the surface of the sclera is again placed in the lumen of the needle. A needle with a filled thread is injected near the exit point of the thread, passed in the thickness of the sclera in the direction of paracentesis and removed through it. Then the thread is straightened out of the needle, and the needle is withdrawn in reverse, just alternately using the needle, the three remaining ends of the threads are removed first through the sclera, and then into the paracentesis. Tightening the ends of the threads so that the ILD occupies a central position. The ends of the threads are shortened, the flanges at the ends of the threads are formed with a cauterizer, the flanges are filled into the gaps of the paracentesis. In the second variant, three lengths of thread are used to fix the ILD with five support elements. After passing the first and second segments of the threads, the third segment of the thread is taken. One end of the third thread is inserted into the anterior chamber, opposite the fifth support element, 1.5 mm from the limb, a needle is inserted into the anterior chamber above the ILD, the end of the thread is inserted into the lumen of the needle in the anterior chamber, the thread is brought out to the surface of the eyeball by the reverse stroke of the needle. Then, next to the first injection site, the needle is again inserted into the anterior chamber so that it enters under the support element and enters the anterior chamber through its hole. The second end of the thread is immersed into the lumen of the needle and brought out in reverse, paracentesis is performed over the exit point of the ends of the thread. The ends of the thread are removed to the paracentesis, tightened so that the ILD occupies a central position, and tied. Knots are tucked into the thickness of the cornea in paracentesis.
EFFECT: group of inventions simplifies the implantation of ILD during surgical correction of aniridia and aphakia in patients with combined pathology of the iris and lens, and also increases its effectiveness and safety due to more stable fixation of ILD, reducing the risk of eruption of sutures and hemorrhagic complications, reducing the surgery time and injury, saving suture material.
4 cl, 2 ex