FIELD: computing technology.
SUBSTANCE: method for restoring digital telemetry information under conditions of possible inversion of a signal transmitted by a multichannel telemetry measurement system based on the principle of carrier frequency phase shift keying under conditions of random reception-transmission interference, whereas each data word consists of information and service parts, whereas the service part includes including the parity sign calculated from the information part using a previously known algorithm, and the conditional number of the transmission channel; in the telemetry signal received by the measuring point, a search for data words is performed, characterized by a simultaneous violation of two matching conditions. Firstly, between the received parity sign as part of the service part and the calculated parity sign for the information part of the received data word, and, secondly, between the conditional number of the transmission channel as part of the service part and the actual number of the transmission channel over which the data word was received, for which the inversion flag is set and forced inversion of the information and service parts is carried out.
EFFECT: increased reliability of the resulting single information flow.
1 cl, 1 dwg